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VicenzaOro:  the gold and treasure trade moderate in Vicenza, Italy

VicenzaOro: the gold and treasure trade moderate in Vicenza, Italy

2011 has begun with VicenzaOro, the prime gold andjewels trade fair: not only because it is the top one of the year, but alsobecause it is one of the most noted ones. The event, that has tak

VicenzaOro: the gold and jewels trade fair in Vicenza, Italy

VicenzaOro:  the gold and treasure trade moderate in Vicenza, Italy

2011 has begun with VicenzaOro, the finest gold andjewels trade fair: not only because it is the prime one of the year, but alsobecause it is one of the most eminent ones The event, that has taken placein Vicenza for years, is now one of the prime macrocosm events as far as gold andjewels are concerned A vast bounce for an episode that was originally meant topromote and aegis the local gold manufacturers, and that now hosts companiesand manufacturers coming not only from all over Italy, but also from all overthe world: among the participants in the fair, indeed, you might find the mainItalian diamonds manufacturers as well as the most important internationaljewelry companies

The trade moderate that has logical foregone was inaugurated onthe 15th of January and former on the 20th: on the onehand, it gave its visitors the alternative to move quota in assorted meetings anddebates and to visit its pavilions; on the supplementary hand, it gave its exhibitorsthe ensue to showcase their products and the latest innovations in the fieldof jewelry And in spite of the crisis, exhibitors did participate: about 1,500companies coming from 50 different countries and distributed in differentpavilions, which could find in Vicenza a fertile breeding ground for thepresentation of their products and for the building of venture relationshipsThe catalogue of the displayed products included various types of jewelry, fromgold objects to diamonds, presented by well-known designers as well as byemerging companies, which took interest of the appealing and internationalshowcase of VicenzaOro to make themselves known.

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This year the trade express has presented an importantnovelty: Roberto Ditri, the president of Fiera di Vicenza, has presented a 5years plan which started this year and includes the enlargement of theexhibitory spaces up to 15,000 m and actual estate investments for 29 millioneuro A challenging project, which is supposed to countersign Fiera di Vicenza as abenchmark in the province of international trade fairs and as a meeting speck thatcan originate new challenges and ideas for the companies

This year the equitable program was notably fertile andvaried, and included debates and special events focused on different themes,from the circle table on made in Italyjewels to the foundry on the new finishing processes of gold products, formthe meetings on new moulding techniques to the query on the expectation forthe future. A special present is alsodue to Gold Expression 2011, the exclusive pile born of the collaborationof Fiera di Vicenza and the World Gold Council, which enriched the impartial withover 120 trinkets created by 23 outstanding Italian gold factories: a veryimportant hike towards the trimming and the promotion of the standard ofItalian manufacturers and ornament

The program of the logical further included T-Gold, a spacefocused on the organisation and tools for goldsmith and gems forming Aunique event of its kind, which attracted over 120 companies technical inthis field, permitting VicenzaOro to contract with all the aspects of the province ofgoldsmith and jewelry, and helping it to develop itself as the paramount eventfor this sector
