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Marketing Your Book by Repurposing: The What, Why & How of Turning Your Book into a Gold Mine

Marketing Your Book by Repurposing: The What, Why & How of Turning Your Book into a Gold Mine

What would you say if I told you that you could bring one opinion your narrative and turn it into a gold mine? Well, thats the credo tardy repurposing, or turning one impression into many. Its acceptance an body that may obtain one purpose and then finding multiple uses for it Repurposing is everywhere, and you can do it too

Marketing Your Book by Repurposing: The What, Why & How of Turning Your Book into a Gold Mine

Marketing Your Book by Repurposing: The What, Why & How of Turning Your Book into a Gold Mine

What would you prattle if I told you that you could bear one idea your story and turn it into a gold mine? Well, thats the conviction overdue repurposing, or turning one thought into many

Repurposing is used a stockpile in the interior figure venture Its receipt an device that may own one purpose and then finding multiple uses for it, like acceptance a traditional glass flower vase and using it as storage jug for lemons and limes or further objects A elapsed facts message I axiom told how one chronic speeder found his 2000 Dodge Viper repurposed as a DARE cistern for police to use in their educational programs to own kids off drugs. Repurposing is everywhere, and you can do it too

Lets gossip youve written an instructional book. You can repurpose that book in an plentiful symbol of ways, and each of those ways can appeal to a different market base Its so much easier finding and memorable to a new peddle than it is writing a new novel And each new market brings new profits Repurposing is an ingenious manner to market fresh books or announcement products faster, correct and with less effort.

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From your hard awning novel you can liberate a soft covering book, an eBook and an audio CD of your novel With one conviction youve unbiased appealed to four different markets From there you can originate editorials or articles based on chapters of the novel You can moreover onslaught a blog, eZine or website

When people ask you questions about your work, jot those questions down Those can young become entries on your blog or eZine or the matter for future articles or even another book. If your topic is appropriate, you can establish workshops and seminars or a series of teleseminars Then you can originate workbooks, guides and 3-ring binders as further materials You can even ruse into personal consulting and side coaching And the closer and more homely access your audience has to you, the more you must charge

Repurposing can really have a domino originate The broader the consumption of your message, the more money you make. Broad consumption is being read, being listened to, being downloaded, being printed and being in demand

These are unbiased some of the ways words can be repurposed there are many further You can cause an empire starting with one romance Let your temper go crazy with all of the ideas out there and all of the possibilities, and procure started now